Saturday, January 15, 2011

5 days, 4 nights...

 "God did not promise a life without pain, joy without sorrow, or sun without rain. But God did promise strength for the day, comfort for tears, a light for the way. And for all who believe in his kingdom above, God answers their faith with infinite love."

 Ania had her 2nd seizure on Monday, January 10th. She has been officially diagnosed with epilepsy. This episode lasted for hours and would not stop until she was given anti-seizure medication through her IV. Let me just tell was extremely frightening for me to watch my 1st princess go through this again. I honestly thought I was going to lose her, but God is so good! He chases those he adores, I know this. As her Mother and with Daddy away, I immediately put on my armor, prayed and stood by my baby girls side. It wasn't easy, but eventually she stopped seizing and just slept. As she slept the nurses performed a blood draw to do immediate testing. Next the Doctor came in to say "we need to admit Ania for further testing, especially since she is so young and this is her second seizure." We were admitted and Ania woke up eventually, not remembering what just happened. I explained to her that she had another seizure and we were back in the hospital for more tests to see how we can make sure she doesn't have a seizure again.

The next day, (Tuesday) she had an EEG and the results showed that Ania's right side of her brain responds slower than the left. Due to this fact, the Doctors ordered an MRI, (under anesthesia to avoid movement and to help with proper testing). The MRI wasn't performed until Thursday due to so many emergencies.

Ania kind of had a free day Wednesday and we spent most of that time in the hospital playroom. Ania painted, colored, we played her favorite game, (Candyland) and she made her potato head version of her Daddy and herself. Thursday night, they finally wheeled us down for the MRI. I waited for Ania to finish her MRI, during this time I found my way to the hospital chapel. I had never been in one before, but it was so peaceful...I wished that's where Ania's hospital bed was.:) While there I prayed and I prayed and I prayed. I cried and I cried and I cried. I just really humbled myself to the Lord and thanked him for his many blessings. I then grabbed one of the bibles and my God led me to the scripture of Romans 10:14 ...the scripture to me sent a message of how I can take this alone time with Ania to speak to her about God, to show her the way, to tell her to be thankful, humble and to know that...yes, Jesus loves her. Then I turned the pages to Matthew 5:4 and I knew that God was telling me its ok to cry, I'm here, and to stay focused and believe in Him. He gave me strength! If you're a believer you know where I'm coming from and you know just how much this cleansed my soul. While in the chapel I kept watching the clock because they said it would be about 45 minutes to an hour before the MRI was finished...I had plenty of time it seemed.

Next to the bibles was a book called "The Great I AM" by Chawna R. Anderson...I picked it up and began to read it from front to back, (no longer watching the clock).

Apparently I lost my way in this amazing book because the Doctors came into the chapel to find me and told me Ania was finished. I was very apologetic to them for having to hunt me down and honestly the time went really fast, but the Doctors were very understandable and said it was very pleasant to find me in the chapel.

When I greeted Ania in recovery, she was her normal self...she was very happy and anxious to order dinner since she hadn't eaten all day due to the MRI.
We didn't get her MRI results until Friday afternoon and we were pleased to hear that it was normal. What this means was there were no brain abnormalities that would cause Ania to have surgery and most likely she will grow out of epilepsy and seizures all together. The Doctor has prescribed keppra for Ania. Alton and I weren't sure if we wanted Ania to be on any seizure meds because our research didn't show many positive results but in fact,  lots of negative side effects from it, however it turns out that one of my cousins also had the same diagnosis as Ania and used the same medication, in addition another parent in the hospital had nothing but great things to say about keppra. it also seems that at this stage of her illness, unless she's on meds, she will continue to have seizures that could become fatal. For that reason we are prayerful that this medication will help her as well... and if not, the Doctors said we can stop the medication and exercise a new option. At the end of the day, we know it will be the Lord's will and He will ultimately guide Ania's healing.
We have officially checked out of the hospital today (Friday) and Ania is doing well. We will continue to research epilepsy and seizures for our daughter's well being and also to help any other family that may experience the same illness. I have found 2 books that seem to be very educational and helpful and have listed them on my goodreads website for reference.
We really want to thank all of our family and friends who reached out to us in prayer, love,  concern and support. We feel truly blessed to have a huge team of prayer partners all around the world to enhance the power of prayer we believe in.
We will continue to keep you posted on Ania's progress.
Be blessed!